Deep Graph Made Easy

Deep Graph Made Easy


All real-world data has structures that are best described as graphs. If there is one data structure for deep learning algorithms, graph would be the foremost candidate. The graph structure can be either explicit, such in social networks, knowledge graphs, and protein-interaction networks, etc., or latent and implicit, as in the case of languages and images. Leveraging and discovering graph structures have many immediate applications and also serves as a futile ground for the next generation of algorithms.
In this talk, we will first introduce graph neural networks in general. We will then discuss their business applications such as personalization and recommendation, and touch upon some interesting research directions. We will demo how to use DGL's API to develop the popular graph convolution network (GCN) and scale it to very large graphs in the EC2 cloud. We will also discuss popular training algorithms for GCN on giant graphs and the best practice of using these algorithms in the EC2 cloud.



1-5-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Shin-Marunouchi Building, Room 902


April 24, 2019 at 04:30PM - 05:00PM